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April 22, 2019
Wherever I'm Needed is Where I'll Be!

"Wherever I'm needed is where I'll be," said JoAnn Lampe, reflecting the sentiments of thousands of volunteers who devote their time to equine charities across the United States. Thanks to Ariat International, sponsor of the EQUUS Foundation Champions program, Lampe is one of five equine service volunteers selected quarterly to receive a pair of Ariat boots. The five volunteers for the first quarter of 2019 are Vicki Ambrosch, Jo Ann Lampe, Pam Meister, Ginny Staudt and Violet Wilson.

Vickie Ambrosch
Equine Rescue and Adoption Foundation (ERAF)
Palm City, FL

Originally from Mystic, Connecticut, Vickie Ambrosch moved to Jupiter, Florida, nine years ago. Passionate about horses since she was a young girl, it did not take long for Ambrosch to start volunteering at ERAF.

Working closely with the Sheriff's Department and Animal Care and Control throughout South Florida, ERAF is devoted to the rescue, rehabilitation, re-education and adoption of abused, abandoned, neglected and slaughter-bound horses.

"I've always loved horses," said Ambrosch, but I especially love working with rescue horses. If you've rescued a horse, you've saved a spirit!"
EQUUS Foundation
Ambrosch with Ginger

JoAnn Lampe
Wings of Eagles Ranch
Concord, NC

In 1999, JoAnn Lampe had never heard about therapeutic riding until she read a newspaper story about the Wings of Eagles Ranch. She was fascinated but another year passed when she read that the program needed volunteers. And thus began my 19 year involvement with Wings of Eagles Ranch."

Over the years, Ambrosch has served as a horse leader, side walker, barn helper, volunteer for work days and fund raisers, summer camp group leader, data entry and bookkeeping, Secretary and now, she serves as the Board Chair.

"Wherever I'm needed is where I'll be," said Lampe. "I am truly blessed to be a part of this wonderful organization where lives are changed and hope restored and where limitations transform into limitless possibilities!"
EQUUS Foundation
Lampe with Honey

Pam Meister
Happy Hooves Equine Rescue
Edwardsvile, IL

An avid horse enthusiast and a student in the Parelli Natural Horsemanship, Pam Meister serves as Board Chair of Happy Hooves Equine Rescue.

Meister taps into her MBA and professional training as a certified Program Manager managing multi-billion software deployments to keep Happy Hooves on track.

At home, she cares for two rescue horses of her own, Twist who is 24, and Beauty who is four. Meister and her husband and two children also have three rescue dogs, Zoey, Josie, and Jax. "When not playing with the animals," said Meister, "I enjoy a good cup of coffee and a book!"
EQUUS Foundation
Meister with Paso Finos, Ansel & Sis.

Ginny Staudt
This Old Horse, Inc.
Hastings, MN

Ginny Staudt was looking for a volunteer opportunity after she retired and came across a news story about This Old Horse, a sanctuary for rescued, retired, and special needs horses. She was intrigued. Although she had no experience with horses, she wanted to learn more about them and enjoyed outdoor, physical work.

"To say I was completely out of my comfort zone and intimidated would be an understatement," said Staudt. That was two and a half years ago.

Staudt now volunteers three mornings a week. Her duties include feeding, watering and mucking stalls for a large number of horses. "I'm no longer intimidated by these big beautiful horses," said Staudt. "I have a great respect and love for them. This is, truly, a labor of love for me."
EQUUS Foundation
Staudt with Cowboy

Violet Wilson
D&R Acres Hobby and Rescue Farm
West Branch, MI

Violet Wilson came to D&R Acres Hobby and Rescue Farm in the fall of 2018 with her group from AuSable Valley Community Mental Health Organization. Violet is one of many developmentally disabled adults who participate in D&R's Horse to Human/Human to Horse Program.

Violet helps with the mucking of stalls and brushing the horses.

In appreciation for the wonderful work Violet does for the horses and her love for all of them, Violet will be showing Spring, a 29-year-old paint pony, at the Ogemaw County Fair in various western classes in August 2019. She will be proudly wearing her new Ariat boots!
EQUUS Foundation
Wilson with Spring

Learn more about Champions here

About EQUUS Foundation: The EQUUS Foundation, a 501(c)(3) public charity established in 2002, also known as Horse Charities of America, is the only national animal welfare charity and accrediting body in the United States that is 100% dedicated to equine welfare and with the dual mission to protect America's horses from peril and strengthen the bond between people and horses. Donations are tax-deductible to the full extent of the law. Contact the EQUUS Foundation, Inc., at 168 Long Lots Road, Westport, CT 06880, Tele: (203) 259-1550, E-Mail: mail@equusfoundation.org, Website: equusfoundation.org.

About Ariat International: Ariat International, Inc. is the leading manufacturer of innovative performance equestrian footwear, apparel and belts. Featuring a patented technology designed to deliver stability, durability and comfort, Ariat pioneered the application of advanced athletic shoe technology into English riding boots and authentic Western boots. Ariat products are sold in a network of retail outlets throughout the world. For more information about Ariat products or for the Ariat retailer nearest you, contact Ariat at 800.899.8141 or visit www.ariat.com.
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