
#HorseProtectors are individuals who have taken our pledge to protect America's horses from peril! Too many horses in America need a lifeline when their owners cannot, or no longer wish to, care for their horses. Whether you are a competing equestrian, a pleasure rider, or someone who loves horses - you can help ensure that America's horses live in comfort and with purpose and dignity throughout their lives.


The names of our pledge takers are listed here.

Search by Alphabet: A

| A or 1-9 | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |

Elena Abbene-Gallagher

Abigail Adams

Julie Adams

Katherine Adams

Mary Adams

Camron Adibi

Patricia Agdan

Molly Ahlers

Julie Aibel

Maria Aitken

Lindsay Ake

Cindy Albro

Diana Alcantar

Jaida Alee

Leila Alencar

Jennifer Alfano

Momina Ali

Alexis Allen

Allison Allen

Amy Allen

Avery Allgeyer

Carol Allin

Sabina Almeida

Linda Steele Almstedt

Amara Alpert

Ashley Altman

Jill Alvarez

Lou Ambrose

Sarah Amico

Stacy Andeis

Amy Anderson

Hollis Anderson

Katerina Anderson

Linda Andersen

Robin Anderson

Tracy Anderson

Angela Andreos

Ashlyn Andrews

Lois Angeletti

Valerie Angeli

Karen Antoine

Kirsten Appel

Judi Aprile

Miguel Arbesu

Jayne Ash

Molly Ashe-Cawley

Jackie Ashley

Ida Mae Astute

Marshall Athey

Alexandra Aucoin

Tony Augustine

Tammy Aupperle

Arlene Aughey

Lisa Austin

Hanaleyah Verma

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