
#HorseProtectors are individuals who have taken our pledge to protect America's horses from peril! Too many horses in America need a lifeline when their owners cannot, or no longer wish to, care for their horses. Whether you are a competing equestrian, a pleasure rider, or someone who loves horses - you can help ensure that America's horses live in comfort and with purpose and dignity throughout their lives.


The names of our pledge takers are listed here.

Search by Alphabet: W

| A or 1-9 | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |

Rhianon Waddell

Anne Wagner

Christina Wagner

Elizabeth Wagner

Erica Wagner

Summer Wakefield

Ms. Aline Walch

Zoe Waldron

Layla Walkaraj

Anne Walker

Cameron Walker

Shelley Walker

Tara Walker

Jayne Wall

Chris Wallen

Joanne Walsh

Virginia M. Walsh

Alicia Walt

Patricia Walworth

Levi Ward

Mackenzie Ward

McLain Ward

Melissa Ward

Melissa Warfield

Lori Warling

Lacy Warner

Dan Wassman

Janet Wassilak

Annise Wassman

Kenna Waterman

Charlotte Waters

Elodie Watrous

Genna Watson

Robbin Watson

Ashley Watts

Carrie Weaver

Kortney Webb

Valerie Webb

Crystal Weber

Judy Weibel

Matthew Weibel

McCall Weibel

Ron Weibel

Hannah Weierke

Hillary Weiner

Sharon Weishaar

Tana Wells

Diana Welter

Emily Wendt

Rainah Wendt

Wendy Wendy

Kelly Wenum

Rose Wertz

Whitley Weyers

Christine Wheeler

Elizabeth Wheeler

Jen White

Marcia D. White

Nancy White

Shelley White

Joseph White

Anne Whitten

Ellen Wieboldt

Andrew Wiesemann

Allison Wietrzykowski

Luana Wilbur

Lenora Wilcox

Patience Wilcox

Wendy Wilkins

Nicole Will

Laurie Willard

Jessica Willette & Jonathan Cordero

Allyson Williams

Cynthia Williams

Edmond Williams

Lori Williamson

Ardie Willoughby

Lois Wilson

Mark Wilson

Sydney Wilvert

Lainie Wimberly

Nicole Michele Windish

Rich Windisch

Edward Winslow

Elizabeth Wise

Journey Wiser

Madeline Witbeck

Morgan Witham

Kelly Witt

Dominika Wittek

Kari Wnuk

Kristina Wnuk

Celia Wolak

Rachael Wold

Celene Wolf

Ali Wolff

Madeline Wolff

Karen Wolfrom

Carol Woltmann

Meagan Wong

Megan Woo

Alexis Wood

Tyler Wood

Dannan Wood

Donna Wood

Christina Wright

Linda Wright

Lisa Wright

Steve Wright

Kristi Wysocki

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