#HorseProtectors are individuals who have taken our pledge to protect America's horses from peril! Too many horses in America need a lifeline when their owners cannot, or no longer wish to, care for their horses. Whether you are a competing equestrian, a pleasure rider, or someone who loves horses - you can help ensure that America's horses live in comfort and with purpose and dignity throughout their lives.
Leah Dabney-Guilbeaux
Janet Dahlin
Janet Dale
Vicki Dallas
Tracy Dallen
Kayla Dalling
Linda Daly
Donna Damarodas
Keith Dane
RaeAnna Danielson
Sandy Danielson
Diane Danzo
Susan Data-Samtak
Amelia Davis
Cam Davis
Joel Davis
Linda Davis
Lisa Davis
Nancy and Glenn Davis
Pete Davis
Jeri Davis
Sara Davis
Katie Dawson
Anna Day
Erica De Flamand
Steffi De Greve
Theresa De La Garza
Betsy De Leiris
Clare De Vour
Christine Dean
Jeff DeAngelis
Michelle Debay
Danielle DeBenedetto
Diana Deblase
Linda DeBowes
Eileen Decker
Nancy DeGan
Carolyn DeJong
Paula Del Giudice
Nancy Delacenserie
Sophia DeLellis
Luis Delgado
Emma Delicato
Kari Delligatti
Emily DeMarco
Maddy DeMaris
Ayse Demirag
Kate DeMorrow
Deborah Denise
Juliana DeRose
David Derrick
Susan Desaulniers
Katie Desmith
Sylvie Devin
Shana Devins
Connie Dewberry
Elizabeth Dewispelaere
Vincent Di Re
Mercedes Diamond
Mayra Diaz
Isabella DiCenzo
Carol Ann Dickey
Jessica Diday
Bobbie Diedrich
Rosa Rachel Diego
Lisa Diersen
Donna DiFillippo
Susan Digiorno
Wendy Digiorno
Donna Dilks
Mia Diluzio
Jennifer Discher
Adriana DiTroia
Alexis DiVestea
Diane Dixon
Kathryn Dixon
Michelle Doell
Deena Doherty
Kim Doherty
Brian Dokter
Liv Dominguez
Luis Dominguez
Brynn Donahue
Maureen Donaldson
Lillian Donovan
Marcia Donnellan
Shannon Donohue
Kate Douglass
Gail Vacca
Linda Dowling
Edward Downey
Sydney Drabek
Amy Drake
Melody Draper
Susan Dreihaupt
Jone Drivet
Jane Droll
Danielle Drosnock
Ronda Drummelsmith
Melonie Duarte
Meadow DuBrovin
Karen Duffy
Ramona Duffy
Kelly Duffy
Valerie Duggan
Anne Marie Duhon
Julie Duke
Emily Marquez-Dulin
Adrianna Dunbar
Karen Duncan
Annora Duncklee
Cheryl Dury
Elizabeth Dussol
Pam Dyer
Kiara DyReyes Wuite
Anna Dziamski
Linda Dziedzinski
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