
#HorseProtectors are individuals who have taken our pledge to protect America's horses from peril! Too many horses in America need a lifeline when their owners cannot, or no longer wish to, care for their horses. Whether you are a competing equestrian, a pleasure rider, or someone who loves horses - you can help ensure that America's horses live in comfort and with purpose and dignity throughout their lives.


The names of our pledge takers are listed here.

Search by Alphabet: C

| A or 1-9 | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |

Keanna C

Dawn Carlson

Kristie Cahill

Barbara Calafell

Martin Calafell

Lenn Warner & Karen Calcott

Dayna Caldwell

Mrs. Cheryl Calheiros

Lauren Callahan

Kym Calvert

Micaela Calvetti

Rayne Camara

Cecelia Camblin

Marilee Camicia

Amy Campbell

Celia Campbell-Mohn

Marvette Canales

Dianna Candito

Alexis Caneff

Lynn Cannizzaro

Kebbie Cannon

Barbara Cantwell

Karen Caplan

Barbara Carbone

Jennifer Carey

Melanie Carnes

Peyton Carr

Jessica Carr

Rachel Carroll

Cathe Carruthers-Hartung

Victoria Carson

Joyce Carta

Carol Carter

Katie Carter

Rebecca Carter

Liza Cassarino

Castetter Family

Paola Castro

Terri Castrup

Gretchen Catherwood

Danielle Caywood

Amanda Ceballos

Susie Cerulli

Anamaria Chaj

Lori Chambers

Nancy Chamberlain

Emily Champagne

Grace Chase

Summer Chase

Marla Chasse

Keri Chastain

Gina Checchio

Christina Cherry

Brooke Chevalier

Julie Chiesa

Glenda Childress

Janis Childs

Maria Chowning

Amanda Christian

Deborah L. Christopher

Maren Christensen

Morgan Christensen

Terry Christofferson

Susan Churico

Carol Chytil

Laura Ciarletta

Andrea Cicchino

Katherine Ciecalone

Dr. Dawn Cieplensky

Julie Ciomei

Sheri Citrone

Lori Clapet

Valeria Clark

Julie Clarke

Mike Clarke

Paula Clarke

Samantha Cleary

Kaitlyn Cleland

Lori Cleveland

Jennifer Clute

The Coakley Family

Pamela Cobo

Colleen Coburn

Marlene Coccaro

Anna Cocco

Pam Cochran

Shannon Cochran

Mary Cockburn

Mary Cockburn

Steph Coe

Wendy Coffey

Jennifer Cohen

Lee Cohen

Shelly Coker

Vicki Cole

Angelina Colella

Agnieszka Coleman

Cathleen Colleran

Alexandra Collins

Margo Collins

Victoria Colvin

Robin Concannon

Kimberly Connell

Florence Connors

Brittany Conrad

Jason Conrad

Carolyn Constantine

Kathryn Contarino

Catherine Conte

Anna Clare Conway

Justify & Rylynn Conway

Drew Cook

Samantha Cook

Caroline Cooper

Rina Cooper

Zachery Cooper

Kristina Copeland

Maria Cormier

Tara Corrigan

Elena Cortez

Mary Corwin

Denise Cota

Catherine Cotter

Lori Coughlin

Gary Coulman

Merril Cousin

Ginger Cowan

Jennifer Cox

Heidi Craig

Beth Cralle

Beth Cralle

Teresa Cramer

Alexa Crane

Stephen Crane

Kathryn Creasy

Jessica Creech

Madison Cresanti

Elizabeth Crissy

Jasmine Crohn

Claire Crosby

Sharee Crossley

Julie Croston

Meaghan Croteau

Emmie Crowell

Alison Crowley

Ali Crumley

Jan Culton

Leisha Cummins

Beth Cunningham

Sydney Aspen Curtis

Lena Cutright

Myles Cypen & Tony Rodriguez

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