
#HorseProtectors are individuals who have taken our pledge to protect America's horses from peril! Too many horses in America need a lifeline when their owners cannot, or no longer wish to, care for their horses. Whether you are a competing equestrian, a pleasure rider, or someone who loves horses - you can help ensure that America's horses live in comfort and with purpose and dignity throughout their lives.


The names of our pledge takers are listed here.

Search by Alphabet: H

| A or 1-9 | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |

Missy Hale

Theresa Hall

Kali Handford

Liz Hanley

Janet Hannon

Jennifer Hansen

Jennifer Hansen

Janice Hanson

Shannon Harder

Helen Hardesty

Karen Harenski

Stephanie Harkness

Meg Harper

Gabriella Harrington

John M. Harrington III

Liz Harrison

Elizabeth Harris

Lula Harris

Rachel Harrison

William R. Harris, Jr.

Courtney Hart

Brandice Hartmann

Mary Hartman

Majela Harty

Jay Haselwood

Kathy Hasenjaeger

Emily Hatcher

Emily Hatfield

Michele Hattingh

Sarah Hauschild

Debora Hawker

Nicole Hayden

Angela Hayes

Rebecca Hays

Alice Hecht-Soliman

Stephanie Hecker

Ginger Hellwarth

Kristin Hempstead

Avery Henard

Sophia Henderson

Wyatt Henderson

Lizzy Hendricks

Jossalyn Henry

Ms. Joyce Herman

Catherine and Steven Herman, MD

Trae Herman-Durica

AnnMarie Hernick Brockhouse

Patricia Herron

Leigh Hesler

Jennifer Hesser

Erinn Hewett

Diana Hidalgo

Allison Higgins

Jack Higgins

Harry Hill

Megan Hill

RoseAnn Hill

Meggan Hill-McQueeney

Gorden Hiltz

Jennifer Himes

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hinckley

Portia Hinze

Gail Hirt

Anne Hoch

John Hodges

Cathy Hoeft

Patrizia and Fredrick Hoffman

Dawn Hoffmeyer

Sheila Hogan

Lindsey Hohlt

Kathy Holden

Ilana Holliday

Katherine Holman

Heather L Holmes

Stefany Holmes

Lee Holzapfel

Margaret Holzhacker

Marleen Hopkins

Ty Horn

Zoey Horn

Erin Hornung

Rory Horton

Cynthia Hoskins

Bonnie Houghton

Ginger Houghton

Dr. Jenny House

Bill Houston

Amie Howard

Bryanna Howard

Jane Howard

Michael Howard

Jennifer Howe

Karen Hower

Katrine Hoyt

Margi Huber

Elizabeth Huckabay

Jorg Huckabee-Mayfield

Catherine Hudson

Erin Hughes

Nita Hughes

Star Hughes

Lisa Humayun

Hunter Humburg

Lynn Hummer

Brooklynn Hunsaker

Tracie Hunter

April Hurlbert

Linda Hutchinson-Troyer

Jessica Hutt

Chloé Hyatt

Lauren Hyde

Julia Hyde

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