#HorseProtectors are individuals who have taken our pledge to protect America's horses from peril! Too many horses in America need a lifeline when their owners cannot, or no longer wish to, care for their horses. Whether you are a competing equestrian, a pleasure rider, or someone who loves horses - you can help ensure that America's horses live in comfort and with purpose and dignity throughout their lives.
Michael Taber
Pamela Taggert
Sisira Talasila
Nicole Taliaferro
Randy Tamer
Lori Tankel
Chuck Tanner
Rika Tanous
Cassie Tarter
Claudia Taskey
Jeri Tate
Dana Taylor
Kathleen Taylor
Kristin Taylor
Letitia Taylor
Karen Tedeschi
Jessica Tedford
Gina Tenorio
Lily TerBush
Sheree Terra
Kathleen Terry-Sharp
Kimberly Thacker
Sharon Thacker
Trinity Thacker
Mary Jo Thase
Sarah Theophile
Amanda Theroux
Mari Therrien
Daniel Theuerkauf
Ron Thiltgen
Alison Thomas
Abreanna Thompson
Liza Thompson
Sabrina Thompson
Warren Thompson
Mrs. Colleen Thomson
Colton Thorpe
Lisa Thorpe
Meaghan Threadgill
Celestia-Nepeta Three
Karin Thriester
Caroline Tibbett
Ralph Timbush
Robbie Timmons
Caroline Tipton
Lucy Tisdale
JoAnn Tomer
Maggie Tomko
John And Emily
David Toothaker
El Toothaker
Georgianma Toothaker
Juliette Toothaker
Donna Torgerson
Kathy Toris
Nannette Tornblom
Janet Tornelli-Mitchell
Lianna and Jorge Torres
Christina K. Tower
Sissil Towler
Margaret Townsend
Jeff Tracy
Lam Tran
Heidi Trapp
Pamela Traun
Julia Tribisondi
Tia Triplett
Siobhan Trippodo
Christina Tsirkas
Chris Tucker
Dennis Tucker
Tracy Tucker
Meghan Tumolo
Jenny Turchi
Megan Turlington
Brian Turner
Charlene Turner
Shelly Turner
Joan Marie Twining
Candace Twiss
Catherine Tyree
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