
#HorseProtectors are individuals who have taken our pledge to protect America's horses from peril! Too many horses in America need a lifeline when their owners cannot, or no longer wish to, care for their horses. Whether you are a competing equestrian, a pleasure rider, or someone who loves horses - you can help ensure that America's horses live in comfort and with purpose and dignity throughout their lives.


The names of our pledge takers are listed here.

Search by Alphabet: B

| A or 1-9 | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |

Anne Booker

Shanna Borded

Aiden Borel

Kathy Borgan

Jacinta Bottoms-Spencer

Madelyn Bouchard

Julie Boucher

Barbara Bower

Jean Boyd

Lily Boyer

Rebecca Bradley

Mary Lou Bradna

Carol Brady

Dana Brady

Gigi Brakey

Robin Bramson

Charlene Brandolino

Roberta Brandstatter

June Brewer

Emma Brewer

Amanda Briggs

Mari-Carol Britt

Laura Brockett/Strausser

Sarah Bronson

Tracy Brooks

Tina Brown

Beverley Brown

Teagan Brown

Evelyn Brown

Payton Brown

Ruth Brozgal

Nancy Brucks

Ms. Bobbi Buettgenbach

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